Fechner Day 2022 — 38th Annual meeting of the international society for psychophysics was successfully held in Lund August 23 – 26, 2022!

Call for paper (Previous post)
Dear friends and colleagues:
Authors are invited to submit papers and to propose theme sessions on topics relevant to the ISP.
Send your submission by email to <fd2022@psy.lu.se>.
A submission must at least contain:
Author(s)’ name(s) and affiliation(s)
Preference for oral or poster presentation
Also, encourage your students to come to the conference and present their work. The ISP meetings are well known for their friendly spirit and stimulating atmosphere, so this is a great opportunity for students to enter the field and test their abilities.
Please note that early registration ends on the 4th of May. Register early and benefit from lower conference fees.
As for other information (accommodation, registration options, special events etc.) please visit the conference website.
Also, encourage your students to come to the conference and present their work. The ISP meetings are well known for their friendly spirit and stimulating atmosphere, so this is a great opportunity for students to enter the field and test their abilities.
If you have students who would like to attend, they may apply for travel grants. The student should submit a CV, a brief summary of his/her presentation (an abstract up to 150 words for a free talk or a poster submission can be reused), and the amount requested. You (the sponsor) should write a brief supporting message. The application should be submitted to the International Society for Psychophysics (ueda [at] design.kyushu-u.ac.jp) by Thursday, 30 June 2022, 17:00 (CET).
Potential stipends are limited to those who are presenting; please be sure to submit both a stipend application to the Society and an abstract of a free talk or a poster to the organizers. The policy of selection is that undergraduate students are given first preference, then graduate students can be considered depending on the budget left. Typically, post docs are not eligible. The size of stipends has been $400 for same continent applicants and $800 for those from different continents.

On behalf of the program & organization committee:
Geoff Patching